Plenary Lectures
Plenary lectures will be published in the regular issues of ZAMM ("Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik").
Papers presented in Minisymposia and in Sections
Papers presented in minisymposia and in sections may be published electronically in PAMM ("Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics").
The papers are strictly limited to:
- Four (4) pages for a contribution to a minisymposium or Young Researcher's Minisymposia,
- Two (2) pages for all contributed sessions (S1 - S24).
The editors reserve the right to deny publication of a manuscript based on a referee's judgment. The papers need to be prepared in accordance with Wiley's Author's Instructions for Publication by using the following style files:
These style files and additional information may also be found on the homepage of the PAMM ("Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics").
Papers have to be submitted after the conference, until May 31, 2015, via this website after login. Exceptionally, the papers can be sent directly to the Conference Office.