Otranto (Lecce) - Italy
June 8, 2015 – June 12, 2015
Energy Production, Storage and Conversion
from Molecules to Devices at the Crossroads of Physical Chemistry

The National School of Physical Chemistry will take place in Otranto (Southern Italy, Lecce district) from 8th to 12th June 2015. Its primary goal is to discuss the multidisciplinary theoretical and technological aspects concerning fields with relevance for energy production, conversion, transmission and harvesting. In details the aim of the School is to present the state-of-the-art and the future perspectives for different approaches applied to the generation and storage of renewable and sustainable energy. For this purpose, basic lectures and topical seminars will be given by some of the most recognized academic experts, crossing the relevant skills from physical chemistry with those of different areas of chemistry.
Energy production and consumption has complex economic, geopolitical, security, and environmental impacts, and the European energy supply situation is very inhomogeneous. There are countries with nearly 100% CO2-free, others with exclusively fossil-based energy production. Some countries have used the last years to approach or even meet the Kyoto goals, others have moved away from them; some invest heavily in Renewable Energies, whereas in other countries they do not yet play a major role. Despite this disparity, Europe has well defined energy and environmental goals. Therefore a detailed presentation and discussion about European energy policy will be also dealt with. In order to fulfill the ambitious European goals, extensive R&D in energy technologies is needed and this is a tremendous chance for students in all technical areas.
The School will cover major fields in detailed lectures but it will also serve as a forum of discussion. It will be a great opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows to meet with and learn from their peers and established experts in a friendly atmosphere, reaping benefit in terms of enthusiasm, knowledge and new ideas and benefitting the future of mankind.
In case you are interested in energy technology or even working in this field, we would encourage you to sign up.