Dr. jur. Peter Schiffauer Dr. jur. Peter Schiffauer is honorary professor at the Faculty of Law of the Fern-Universität in Hagen and presently Deputy Director of the university’s Dimitris-Tsatsos-Institute for European Constitutional Sciences. He studied Law, Philosophy and Economics in Würzburg, Tübingen and Müchen and qualified in 1975 for being a German judge. His doctoral thesis published in 1979 explores the potential of the pragmatic turn in modern linguistics for the methodology of Law. From 1977-79 he was researcher at the European University Institute in Florence. Between 1978 and 2014 he was official of the German Federal Government, the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament where he notably acted as head of secretariat of the committees on legal affairs and the internal market (1999-2004) and on constitutional affairs (2004-2014). He published various essays in particular on Fundamental Rights, on European Political Parties, on European Integration, Constitutional issues and the theory of the State. |
Fabio Masini Fabio Masini graduated in Economics and Business Science from the University of Florence in 1992, he was awarded a PhD in History of Economic Thought in 1997. During and after a post-doc degree at the University of Pisa he works as project manager and consultant for major companies and public administrations on projects of local development. From 2005 to 2011 he teaches Political Economy. He currently teaches Theories and History of International Economic Relations, and History of Economic Thought at the University of Roma Tre. He is Vice-President of the European Movement in Italy and Ceo of the International Research Centre on European and Global Governance. |
Emilio De Capitani .... |
Paolo Garonna Paolo Garonna is Professor of Political Economy at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. He has also been the Secretary General of the Italian Banking, Insurance and Finance Federation (FeBAF) since October 2012. He was Director General of the Association of Italian Insurers (ANIA) and Chief Economist of Confindustria (the main industrial employers organization in Italy). Professor Garonna was Director General of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) from 1992 to 1999, and, from 1989 to 1992, Deputy Director for Labour, Social Affairs and Education at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. From 1999 to 2009 he was Deputy Executive Secretary, and Executive Secretary ad interim, of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in Geneva. He carried out research in America as Fulbright scholar, and in Cambridge, Great Britain, and taught in several Universities in Italy and abroad. He has published a considerable number of books and essays in Applied Economics, Statistics and Finance. |
Eirikur Bergmann Eirikur Bergmann is Professor of Politics at Bifrost University, Iceland, and Director of its Centre for European Studies. Professor Bergmann has taught at several European universities. He is the author of eight academic books, and three novels. Bergmann writes mainly on Nationalism, Populism, European Integration, Conspiracy theories and Icelandic Politics. He is a frequent commentator in media, on politics and European affairs. Further information can be found on eirikurbergmann.com. |
Rosa Stella De Fazio Born in Taranto, Rosa Stella De Fazio is post-doctoral fellow in European Union Law in the framework of the research project on “The participation of the Regions in the definition and implementation of European Law and policies” financed by the Apulia Region. Since 2015, she is PhD and doctor europaeus in European Union Law at University of Naples “Federico II” with a dissertation on “The regulatory instruments for countering terrorism between European Union law and Italian domestic law” and Director of the Research Center for the Future of Europe, based in Naples. Since 2012, she is Research assistant of European Union Law at the Department of Legal Studies, University of Salento. She worked as Human Rights Expert at the Italian Consulate in Jerusalem, where she has been in charge of the human rights and humanitarian law affairs and the project for strengthening the functions of as Human Rights Unit at the Palestinian Ministry of Justice, financed by the Italian Cooperation. She also collaborated with the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers), Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DG for Political and Security Affairs), Italian Ministry of Justice and United Nations. She taught International Law and European Union Law in University courses in Milan and Mantua and was visiting researcher at Université Libre de Bruxelles and Universitè d’Aix-en-Provence. Author and co-editor of scientific publications and panelist in several Conferences in Italy and abroad, young member of the Italian Society of International and EU Law (SIDIUE), the European Society of International Law (ESIL) and the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN); she is also a member of the Board of Young Researchers of the French Society of International Law (SFDI). She is included in the long list of National experts of the Interregional Observatory on Development Cooperation and in the roaster of electoral observers of the European Commission. |
Matteo Greco My name is Matteo Greco, I was born in Lecce and I am 24 years old. I graduated with honors in law from the University of Salento in 2019 with a thesis in Constitutional law, entitled “La tutela dell’ambiente nell’ordinamento costituzionale: inquadramento e prospettive di riforma”. I am also a student at the last year of ISUFI (Istituto Superiore Universitario di Formazione Interdisciplinare) which is a centre for higher education and research, based at the University of Salento. I am a practicing lawyer and I currently deal with civil and labour law. Moreover, I collaborate with the Constitutional law chair of the law faculty at University of Salento. My research focuses on public law, Italian constitutional law and environmental constitutional law. I am also interested in national and European politics and I write about these topics on a blog that I founded in 2018, called Saudade- blog.it. |
Chiara Doria My name is Chiara, I am 24 years old and I come from Mesagne, Brindisi. I graduated with honors in Law at the University of Salento with a thesis in Constitutional Law titled “Separation of powers and rights protection: the principle, the myth, the current challenges”. Currently, I am attending the last year of Scuola Superiore Isufi, a School of Advanced Studies which selects deserving students of Unisalento and gives them a high interdisciplinary education and a cross-sectoral approach. Meanwhile I am doing an internship at the Public Prosecutor of Lecce and I am collaborating with the Constitutional Law chair of University of Salento, focusing on public law and Italian constitutional law. As far as my interests are concerned, I am really keen on International and European law, with particular regards to the EU and global institutions structures, including relationships between the latter and the States. Furthermore, my attentions are focused on the multilevel rights protection system. |
Wolfgang Pape .... |
Petter Ölmunger Petter Ölmunger is 40 years old. He is the Chair of Democracy Without Borders-Sweden and Coordinator for the UNPA Campaign in the Nordic countries. He lives 30 minutes from Gothenburg together with his family and works as a minister in the Church of Sweden. |
Dena Freeman ... |
Giammichele De Maio .... |
Marta Laurenzio ... |
Willa Serling While studying abroad in Vietnam, South Africa, and Argentina, Willa conducted ethnographic research to identify sociocultural determinants of access to prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. In that project, she interviewed HIV-positive patients and healthcare professionals, visited healthcare centers, and shadowed NGOs. Using medical anthropological theories, she compared qualitative data and relevant statistics across the three countries. Willa also conducted research in Mumias, Kenya last summer as an intern at the Western Organization for People Living with HIV/AIDS (WOPLAH), which strives to destigmatize HIV through forming support groups for HIV-positive people and offering various social support programs. She examined the efficacy of NGO and government initiatives to mitigate stigma and increase HIV testing and treatment. While interviewing community health workers, Mumias’ Ministry of Health, and WOPLAH's support group members, and shadowing surrounding community clinics, Willa observed how WOPLAH bridges the gap between readily accessible biomedical care and stigma that prevents job opportunities and social acceptance. Serling completes her Baccalaureate degrees, with a major in Anthropology and minors in Global Health and Human Biology and Kinesiology, at the undergraduate university Colorado College in May 2020. Willa explores medical anthropology through coursework and extracurricular activities. In Willa’s previous medical anthropological research projects, she investigated sociocultural influences of HIV/AIDS. In addition to research, Willa pursues her interest in global public health and anthropology through leadership roles as the co-president of the GlobeMed Club, the pre-public health liaison in the Health Professions Club, and co-president of the Student Anthropological Society at Colorado College. She is especially interested in the collaborative democratic and representative role involved by all people working in the global public health field. Looking ahead, Willa plans to pursue a career as a sociocultural epidemiologist – continuing to research the local and global scale implications and interventions to mitigate health disparities. |
Antonietta Elia ... |
Besnike Bujari UNGSC Legal Officer |
Oded Gilad Director, One World, Movement for Global Democracy |
John Bunzl John Bunzl is a director of an international textile company, a writer and international campaigner with a simple and powerful vision for more effective global cooperation. For over a decade he has worked with policy-makers and politicians, academics and non-governmental organizations, activists and citizens around the world to promote and inspire more effective cooperation. From the behavioural and evolutionary science behind why we cooperate to the political implications of a world without adequate binding international agreements, John is interested in finding cooperative solutions to our most challenging problems. In 2000 John founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organization (ISPO) and launched the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign. John is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and has spoken at various TEDx events. He has also presented to the World Social Forum, the World Trade Organization, the Schumacher Society and at various universities including the London School of Economics. |
Stefania Attolini Stefania Attolini, is a lawyer, a Ph.D. Candidate and a Research assistant of European Union Law and International Law at University of Salento, working on Internet Law and democratic rights on-line. She obtained a Master Degree in Law (Business Law) at University of Bari “A. Moro”. In 2014, she has been trainee in the External Relations and Consumer Unit at DG SANCO (Health and Consumers) of the European Commission and has achieved a Master Complémentaire en droit européen at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). In 2012, she has published a book on Italian Tax Law. Fluent in French and English, basics of German. |
Jeffrey Glausiusz Born in England 1961. Degree in Physics (Natural Philosophy) for University of London. Moved to Israel 1985. Working since in Computer Programming mostly in fields of automation, quality control and robotics. Last 15 years running own company Galim Software and System for Industry Ltd. Have always had a somewhat philosophical inclination and a couple of years ago started writing a blog on policy issues www.pax-orbis.org . Also write in Hebrew mostly on environmental issues www.barkayama.org.il. Last year have been active in environmental issues , specifically global warming etc. Take part in discussions and work within the Energy Group of the Heschel Centre for sustainability Israel. We are developing plans for speeding up the development and implementation of renewable energy here in Israel. In that process we are also in regular contact and discussions with government officials within the Energy and Environment Ministries. I think that practical experience is very useful when thinking about policy issues. I have served on the local council here and taken part in elections etc. I think it is very useful to have some understanding of the pressures that politicians have to contend with .. |
Ugo Ferruta European Movement International |
Katharine Ghidella UNGSC Chief Central Service |
Alberto Basset Università del Salento |
Christian Schmitz Purpose Driven Innovation Ecosystem |
Nina Del Marr New World Fellowship Foundation |
Steffen Weber New World Fellowship Foundation |
Nicoletta Canesi Studio di Architettura Lissoni & Partners |