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2–3 May 2024
Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna
Europe/Rome timezone



MAY 2, 2024

9.00 a.m. – Registration of Participants

9.30 a.m. – Welcome Greetings

Fabio POLLICE, Rector of University of Salento

Giuseppe MARCHIONNA, Mayor of the Brindisi Municipality

Maria D’APRILE, Liaison Officer UNGSC – Brindisi

Luigi MELICA, Head of the Law Department – UNISALENTO

Mariano LONGO, Head of the Human and Social Sciences Department – UNISALENTO

Anna Chiara STEFANUCCI, Head of EUROPE DIRECT Taranto

10 a.m. – Introductory Speech

Susanna CAFARO, EU World LAB Jean Monnet Chair Holder

10.30 a.m. – Session I –The Founding Principles of the European Union and their Global Impact


Claudia MORINI, University of Salento


Massimo PENDENZA, University of Salerno – The future that Europa has left behind. Has the Europe’s ‘cosmopolitan normative vision been betrayed?

Oleksiy KANDYUK, Institute for Social Research “Chronos”, Kyiv – Evolution under Pressure: How Russia’s War in Ukraine Transforms European Union.

Mar INTROINI, G100 Global Networking – EU’s Loss of Values: Following a War Agenda instead of a Peace One.

Francesco SPERA & Polina ZAVERSHINSKAIA, University of Salento & University of Leipzig – Shared Values under Threat: How the Russian invasion of Ukraine impacted the EU Member States’ Memory Laws: the German and Italian Experiences.

Alice PISAPIA, Insubria University – The Solidarity Principle as a Founding Principle of the EU in the Health Sector.

Lunch break

3.00 p.m. – Parallel Brainstorming Sessions

  1. Democracy andTechnology– facilitators: Valerie SAINTOT - University of Gloucestershire & Marco LIUZZI - United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC).
  2. Addressing Environmental Concerns – facilitators: Erik MANSSON - Karlstad University & Fabiana MAGNOLO – Università del Salento.
  3. War & Peace: Governance for a Reconciled World – facilitators: Silvia SOLIDORO - Università del Salento & Andrea RUBINO – Naukleros ONLUS.
  4. EU current Challenges and European Elections – facilitators : Jacopo Lillo - Maison Jean Monnet - European Parliament & Stefania ATTOLINI – Université Catholique de Lyon

5.00 p.m. – Plenary Groups’ Reports



MAY 3, 2024

10.00 a.m. – Session II –Global Governance & Democracy


Saverio DI BENEDETTO, University of Salento


Anthony KEFALAS, Democracy and Culture Foundation – The Building Blocks of Democracy

Wolfgang PAPE, European External Action Service – Omnilateralism for Holistic Global Governance.

Maria VARAKI, King’s College London - Digital peace and War; moral and legal dilemmas.

Paolo Davide FARAH, West Virginia University and University of Pittsburgh (USA), gLAWcal (UK)- Global Environmental Litigations with States and Multinational Companies.

Bledar KURTI, Albanian University – Security and Democracy as Shared Values on Global Governance for Peace and Development.

Matteo FULGENZI, Università del Salento – Glocal” Diplomacy in Pursuit of SDG 16 for World Peace and Security.

Lunch Break

15.00 pm – Keynote Concluding Speech

Monica FRASSONI, President European Alliance to Save Energy and European Center for Electoral Support - Democracy and Climate: a Test for Europe and the World - Democracy and Climate: a Test for Europe and the World.