
Registration Contact

Antonio Mongelli

Registration Types

Registration type Access Available From Available Until Access Expires Cost
Registration Regular - Early
Online February 25, 2015 July 15, 2015 500.00 (EUR)
Registration Regular - Late
Online July 16, 2015 August 25, 2015 550.00 (EUR)
Registration Student - Early
Students will be required to submit a scanned copy of an official letter (in English) from the University/School they attend, duly signed and stamped, indicating the current student status.
This letter must be also presented when checking-in at the conference desk.
Online February 25, 2015 July 15, 2015 400.00 (EUR)
Registration Student - Late
Students will be required to submit a scanned copy of an official letter (in English) from the University/School they attend, duly signed and stamped, indicating the current student status.
This letter must be also presented when checking-in at the conference desk.
Online July 16, 2015 August 25, 2015 450.00 (EUR)
Registration Exibitor - Early
Online February 25, 2015 July 15, 2015 400.00 (EUR)
Registration Exibitor - Late
Online July 16, 2015 August 25, 2015 500.00 (EUR)