Abstract submission for ATMA2024 is now open. Please use the following LaTeX template LINK and send your proposal, both PDF and TEX files, to atma2024@unisalento.it , also specifying if you are willing to give an oral presentation or to present a poster.
The deadline for the submission is May 12, 2024
Format instructions:
- The maximum length of the abstract is two pages;
- The name of the presenting author has to be underlined. This is necessary also in case of only one author;
- References have to be added following strictly the template rules;
- Authors are asked to send their contributions both in .pdf and .Latex format. Other formats will not be accepted;
- The name of the pdf file should be: "Surname-Name.pdf", where Surname-Name is the presenting author.
The abstract should be sent by an email at the address atma2024@unisalento.it