Scientific Coordinators:
- Susanna Cafaro
- Saverio Di Benedetto
Organizing Committee:
- Simone De Michele
- Giuseppe Gioffredi
- Claudia Morini
- Silvia Solidoro
- Rosa Stella De Fazio
- Mauro Spedicati
- Francesca Leucci
- Stefania Attolini
- Angelo Ardito
Susanna Cafaro ( is qualified as full professor of EU Law at the University of Salento, Italy, but she has also worked as researcher and associate professor of International Law. She lectures on EU and international law in several master courses in Italy and abroad. She is member of the scientific committee of the European Papers and of the Revue de l’Euro, a founding member of the think tank The Group of Lecce for fair global governance, a member of the Bretton Woods Committee and of several academic associations in the field of European and international law. She is author and editor of numerous books and more than 50 scholarly journal articles and book chapters about the EU, European economic and monetary union, EU external relations, IMF & World Bank governance and functioning, Euro-Mediterranean relations.She is author of the blog |
Stefania Attolini ( is Ph.D. Candidate and Research assistant of European Union Law at University of Salento. She was co-author of a tax law manual entitled “Come difendere il contribuente dagli studi di settore” (Maggioli Editore). After collaborating with a Tax Law Firm in Lecce, she has been admitted at the Bar as a Lawyer. She obtained a Master Degree in Law (Business Law) – at University of Bari “A. Moro”, with a dissertation in Private Law, on “Medical Liability”. She has been intern in the External Relations and Consumer Unit at DG SANCO (Health and Consumers) of the European Commission and has achieved a Master Complémentaire en droit européen at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Fluent in French and English, basics of German. |
Rosa Stella De Fazio ( is Ph.D. and doctor europaeus in EU Law (University of Naples “Federico II”), LL.M. in International Protection of the Human Rights, MBA in Development Economics and International Cooperation, post-graduate Diploma in EU Law, MA in International and EU Relations. Research Assistant of EU Law at University of Salento, Co-Director and Researcher at the Center for the Future of Europe. She was Human Rights Expert at the Italian Consulate and the Agency for Development Cooperation in Jerusalem, lectured International and EU Law in Master courses in Italy and abroad and gained fellowships as Visiting Researcher at Universitè Libre de Bruxelles and Université d’Aix-en-Provence. She also experienced at DG Justice-EU Commission, DG Political Affairs and Security-Italian MFA, Italian Ministry of Justice, UN. Author of scientific publications, panellist in several academic Conferences, member of the SIDIUE, ESIL, ECLAN and the board of the SFDI young researchers. |
Mauro Spedicati ( obtained a Ph.D. in Legal History at University of Macerata, where he defended a thesis on the history of international law, concerning the relationship between the evolution of the international community and the emerging role of the individual in the doctrinal debate of the nineteenth century. While attending the Faculty of Law, he gained the three-years diploma in “Euro-Mediterranean relations” at the ISUFI School of Excellence of the University of Salento. Fellow of the Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte of Frankfurt am Main, he also cooperated with the Institut für Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte of the Universität Wien. He cooperates with the chairs of History of Modern and Contemporary Law and European Union Law at the University of Salento. He is a lawyer of the Court of Lecce, mainly dealing with criminal law and human rights law. |
Giuseppe Gioffredi ( is Professor of International Law (since 2005) and International Protection of the Human Rights (since 2006), at University of Salento. In 2004 he got a PhD in Bioethics and Legal Sciences (curriculum in International Law). He independently authored about 40 papers in national and international journals and books and 2 monographs. He is a member of the board of Professors of the PhD in Bioethics and Legal Sciences, and a member of the Committee of interuniversity Centre of Bioethics and Human Rights. He is member of the editorial committee of Bioethics and Legal Sciences Encyclopedia and the scientific committee of POIESIS, EUNOMIA and ISEGORIA. He is also member of the Italian Society of International and EU Law (SIDI) and the ‘ Ne.T.I.L’, the International and EU Law Interest Group on New Technologies in the Information Society of the Italian Society of International and EU Law metadata. He has been panellist in several conferences in Italy and abroad and is part of the teaching Staff in several foreign Universities and Research Centers. |
Francesca Leucci ( in European Law and Economic Analysis, is currently working at the Italian Antitrust Authority in Rome (Italy). After her graduation in Competition Law at University of Salento in 2014, she trained as a lawyer at the Public Attorney and gained practical experience in Administrative Law as judge assistant. In 2015 she got a second degree in Social Sciences from one of the few schools of excellence for interdisciplinary studies spread around Italy (I.S.U.F.I. in Lecce). She has been working as Research Assistant of EU Law since 2016. Between 2016 and 2017 she specialised in European Law and Economics (with a special focus on the energy sector) at the College of Europe in Bruges - Keynes Promotion. She spent several months abroad for studying or carrying out research (first at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg and then at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris). Fluent in English, French, German, basics of Dutch. |
Claudia Morini ( is Adjunct Professor of EU Law at Universityof Salento. She was Research Assistant at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. She was also Project Assistant in the EU financed BEAMS Project and Research Assistant at the International and European Union Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Bari. In 2007 she obtained a PhD in International and EU law. In 2007 she also obtained a Masters Degree in Conflicts' Management and Resolution (University of Roma Tre). During her doctoral |
Silvia Solidoro ( obtained a PhD in Law and Economics from the Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (I.S.U.F.I.) in Lecce (graduated with full marks) and is currently serving as a Research Associate with European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. Since 2007, she has been acting as Teaching Assistant in International Law with the University of Salento where she also earned her law degree (magna cum laude). Silvia took part in conferences in Italy and abroad. She is a member of the International Insolvency Institute, NextGen Leadership Program; her main research interests deal with antitrust, international law and comparative legal studies. From 2009 to 2016, Silvia has been consulting on corporate law and competition policy matters with the Investment Climate Department of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group, in Washington, DC, USA. Prior to that, she acted as Independent Expert for a consulting firm based in Rome. She was admitted to practice law in Italy in 2009. |