Ferdinando Boero Professor of Zoology at the University of Salento. Associate to the Institute of Marine Science of the National Research Council. Chair of the Scientific Council of the Zoological Station Anton Dohrn, Naples. Member of the Scientific Councils of: WWF-Italy; Confagricoltura; Pro-Natura. Representative of CoNISMa in the European Marine Board. Member of the steering committee of MARS, the European Network of Marine Stations. Member of the European Academies Scientific Advisory Council as a representative of the Accademia dei Lincei. Coordinator of the Ocean of Tomorrow project CoCoNet, on networks of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (22 states involved, in three continents). Editorialist of the Italian newspapers La Stampa, Il Secolo XIX, of the magazines Le Scienze, Internazionale. Main research interests: Marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Marine Protected Areas. Evolution. Communication in science. Main honors: 2005: Grand Medaille Albert 1er for Oceanography of the Institute Océanographique de Paris. 2017 Medaglia per le Scienze Fisiche e Naturali of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze o dei XL. |
Nick Duffell Having practised psychotherapy for 30 years, Nick Duffell is a psychohistorian bridging the gap between psychological and political thinking. He promotes a depth-psychology perspective of issues that deeply affect public, such as identity and emotions, fear and vulnerability, but which are not properly addressed in political commentary. Nick’s recent books include The Simpol Solution: A New Way to Think about Solving the World’s Biggest Problems, with John Bunzl, and Wounded Leaders: British Elitism and the Entitlement Illusion - a Psychohistory. He is an Honorary Research Associate at UCL and contributed chapters to The Political Self and ‘Towards Current Affairs through an Emergent Psychology of the Heart’ in Humanistic Psychology: Current Trends, Future Prospects. |
Myra L. Jackson Myra Jackson has a diverse array work life experience as an Electrical Engineer, Organizational Development Professional, Master Trainer, to name a few. She has lived abroad and studied many of the world’s spiritual traditions in service to her lifelong fascination with the cosmologies that captivate people and inform their lives. Myra holds the title of Diplomat of the Biosphere awarded by Stockholm Resilience Centre. In linking local-global policy-making, her work is expressed in her roles as Senior Advisor, Geoversiv Foundation, UN Representative and Focal Point on Climate Change and Earth Jurisprudence. She recently facilitated Oprah Winfrey’s Belief series initiative as an official program of the United Nations in October 2016. |
Sarah Hautzinger Sarah Hautzinger is an ethnographer, cultural anthropologist, feminist activist and A.E. and Ethel Irene Carlton Professor of Social Sciences, in Anthropology at Colorado College (PhD 1998, Johns Hopkins University). Her work has historically focused on interpersonal violence, war and trauma, and terror management; more recently, she applies these perspectives to challenges presented by climate change and humanity’s relationships and roles in the broader interdependent web of life. Hautzinger’s early interest in intersectional gender, state power, police and military subcultures are evident in the two books and numerous articles she has published. |
Fabio Marcelli Fabio Marcelli was born in Rome March, the 15th, 1956. Research director in the Institute for International Legal Studies of the National Research Council (www.isgi.cnr.it). He authored 14 books and more than 100 articles on issues of International, European and constitutional law. |
Stefano Grasso PhD student at University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and DSM Food Specialties B.V. (Delft, NL) in biotechnology within the Marie Curie consortium “ProteinFactory”, since 2015. I graduated in Plant and Animal Biotechnology at University of Udine, where I also attended and successfully completed the Scuola Superiore (created on the model of Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa). In the university years, I actively participated to the academic political life, being also elected for one term in the Academic Senate. Meanwhile, I was part of a network of Excellence Schools, whose scope was to unite students by organizing cultural events. |
Joe McCannon Joe McCannon co-founded Shared Nation, an online democracy initiative incubated by the Billions Institute, where he was CEO. Before that, Joe was an appointee in the Obama Administration, serving as Senior Advisor to the Administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Previously, he was Vice President and faculty on large-scale improvement at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). He has supported large-scale transformation in several nations and consulted on the topic for several organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization and Community Solutions. |
Daniel Goldman Daniel Goldman was a member of the founding team of Locus Analytics, a macroeconomic data analytics firm, and Syntax LLC, an algorithmic asset management firm, where he currently serves in-house counsel and advises on strategic planning, business development, and technology development initiatives. He has prior experience in venture capital, development finance, securities regulation, and public policy. Daniel is a named inventor on four granted and pending patents in data analytics and computational modeling, and has presented research at the World Bank and Cambridge on data analytics and sustainable development. He holds a B.A. from Columbia, an M.B.A. from Yale, and a J.D. from Georgetown. He is a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and serves on the Bretton Woods Committee. |
Gabriella Capone Gabriella Capone is graduate student at the Yale Law School and Yale School of Management. She focuses on increasing empiricism and citizen engagement in lawmaking. As a Graduate Research Fellow at The Governance Lab at New York University, she launched the CrowdLaw initiative and developed resources on the topic for practitioners and researchers. Previously, Gabriella worked at Locus Analytics building models for risk management in portfolio construction and economic development. She has experience in transit technology and the Colombian public and non-profit sectors. She received a B.A. with Honors from Swarthmore College. She is fluent in Spanish and tweets at @CrowdLawYale and @thegabcap |
Chris J. Hamer Chris Hamer is an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Physics at the University of New South Wales. He is currently president of Scientists for Global Responsibility (Australia), and Secretary of the World Citizens Association of Australia. He has long been interested in the problem of eliminating nuclear weapons, and in the ideal of democratic global governance as the only means to resolve this and other pressing global problems such as climate change. He continues to teach a general education course at UNSW on ‘Nuclear Arms, Peace and Global Governance’. He has written and published a book on these issues, entitled ‘A Global Parliament: Principles of World Federation’. |
John Bunzl John Bunzl is a director of an international textile company, a writer and international campaigner with a simple and powerful vision for more effective global cooperation. For over a decade he has worked with policy-makers and politicians, academics and non-governmental organizations, activists and citizens around the world to promote and inspire more effective cooperation. From the behavioural and evolutionary science behind why we cooperate to the political implications of a world without adequate binding international agreements, John is interested in finding cooperative solutions to our most challenging problems. In 2000 John founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organization (ISPO) and launched the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign. John is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post and has spoken at various TEDx events. He has also presented to the World Social Forum, the World Trade Organization, the Schumacher Society and at various universities including the London School of Economics. |
Attilio Pisanò Attilio Pisanò, PhD, Professor of Human Rights and Legal Philosophy (University of Salento), President of the Political Science and International Relations (University of Salento). He has published academic articles in Italian (Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto; Diritti umani e Diritto internazionale; Politica del Diritto; Ragion Pratica) and International Reviews (Human Rights Review; International Journal of Human Rights). He is also the author of several books concerning human rights (Crisi della legge e Litigation Strategy, Milano 2016; I diritti umani come fenomeno cosmopolita. Internazionalizzazione, Regionalizzazione, Specificazione, Milano, 2011; Diritti deumanizzati. Ambiente, Animali, Generazioni Future, Specie Umana, Milano, 2012). |
Eirikur Bergmann Eirikur Bergmann is Professor of Politics at Bifrost University, Iceland, and Director of its Centre for European Studies. Professor Bergmann has taught at several European universities. He is the author of eight academic books, and three novels. Bergmann writes mainly on Nationalism, Populism, European Integration, Conspiracy theories and Icelandic Politics. He is a frequent commentator in media, on politics and European affairs. Further information can be found on eirikurbergmann.com. |
Izabela Schiffauer Izabela Schiffauer, PhD, assistant professor at the WSB-University in Wroclaw, is lawyer-linguist, graduated from the Faculty of Law, Economy and Administration at Wroclaw University and the Department of Languages for Special Purposes at Warsaw University. During doctoral studies she also attended Aarhus University, Denmark, and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Her PhD thesis dealing with "Constitutional Terminology in Transition. The Drifting Semantics of the Supranational Discourse Under Negotiation" was published in Berlin 2010, volume 9 of FernUniversität Hagen DTIEV-series. Between September 2009 and March 2013 she gained practical experience at the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg. The main fields of her research and publications are constitutional law and European Union law, notably EU/Eurozone economic governance and crisis management. |
Dr. jur. Peter Schiffauer Dr. jur. Peter Schiffauer is honorary professor at the Faculty of Law of the Fern-Universität in Hagen and presently Deputy Director of the university’s Dimitris-Tsatsos-Institute for European Constitutional Sciences. He studied Law, Philosophy and Economics in Würzburg, Tübingen and Müchen and qualified in 1975 for being a German judge. His doctoral thesis published in 1979 explores the potential of the pragmatic turn in modern linguistics for the methodology of Law. From 1977-79 he was researcher at the European University Institute in Florence. Between 1978 and 2014 he was official of the German Federal Government, the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament where he notably acted as head of secretariat of the committees on legal affairs and the internal market (1999-2004) and on constitutional affairs (2004-2014). He published various essays in particular on Fundamental Rights, on European Political Parties, on European Integration, Constitutional issues and the theory of the State. |
Ioannis Papageorgiou Ioannis Papageorgiou is assistant professor (School of Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). He teaches European integration, EU political system and Comparative Politics. He is a lawyer and political scientist (degree is law from the University of Athens, MA in comparative politics from the University of Paris I and MA in development cooperation from the Université Libre de Bruxelles). His PhD from the Université Libre de Bruxelles dealt with regional integration in Central America. M. Papageorgiou has also worked as an expert in several international projects on migration and asylum. During the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU (2012), he has acted as the Chair of the Asylum Working Party in the Council of Ministers and conducted the inter-institutional negotiations on the CEAS. Since 2016, he worked in the European Parliament’ Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, dealing with the institutional aspects of Brexit. His academic research covers issues of European political integration, immigration policy and international humanitarian and refugee law. |
Alina I. Szabó Alina I. Szabó graduated from Al. I. Cuza University in Iassy, Romania, holding a degree in Law and another one in Philosophy. After a master in International Public and Private Law from the same university, she obtained a doctoral scholarship in Budapest, Hungary at Pázmány Péter University, from where she obtained her PhD in International Law in 2009 with a thesis on the International Criminal Court. Currently she works as a human rights lawyer and teaches international public law and criminal procedure law at George Bacovia University of Bacău. |
Anna Iermano Ph.D in “European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”, Research Fellow in “The procedural guarantees of refugees and applicants for international protection in the European system for the protection of fundamental rights” and Teaching Staff Member of Jean Monnet Chair “Judicial protection of fundamental rights in the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” at University of Salerno. Lawyer with a Professional Specialization in “Applied European Union Law” and member of the “Observatory on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” (www.slsg.unisa.it). Adjunct professor in EU Law at Specialization school for legal professions at University of Salerno and University of Naples “Federico II”. |
Valeria Tevere Valeria Tevere is a Lawyer and Ph.D student in International law at University of Salerno. Research studies are focalized on human rights. In 2017 she has been in the TRAVAW (Training of Lawyers on the Law relating to violence against women) project organized by the EU Lawyers Foundation in Rome. In 2016 she has attended the Jean Monnet course on “Migration and Fundamental Rights at the southern borders of the European law”. The main pubblications are: “L’adesione dell’Unione europea alla Convenzione del Consiglio d’Europa sulla prevenzione e la lotta alla violenza contro le donne e la violenza domestica:brevi osservazioni a margine delle decisioni del Consiglio 2017/865 e 2017/866”, in www.slsg.unisa.it; “Violenza sulle donne, le istituzioni non sono pronte”, in www.ingenere.it e Violenza domestica e minori: profili di tutela europea e nazionale (a cura di A. Iermano, V. Tevere), in www.adgi.eu. |
Luigi Sammartino Luigi Sammartino, Dr. (Ph.D., 2017, University of Florence; LL.M., 2011, University of Bologna) is Fellow in International Law at the University of Bologna. His topics of research are Global Governance, Global Administrative Law, International Constitutionalism, General Theory, International Law of armed conflict, International Criminal Law, and International Economic Law. In 2017, he attended as a Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg (Germany), researching on participation of civil society in application and formation of International Law. Member of the Italian Society of International Law (ISIL) and of International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW). |
Andrea Spedicati Andrea Spedicati is co-founder and CEO of AR dream, Aerospace Engineer. He graduated in Aerospace Engineering, in 2008 in Pisa, and soon after started working for Airbus Operation, in Hamburg, Germany. Equipped with strong technical skills, he developed managerial skills, and he managed transnational projects with international teams. In 2013, during a sabbatical year, he embarked on a trip around the world that lasted one year, living in the United States, South America, Asia, expanding his horizons and experience, facing different societies and approaches to life and work. In 2014, he returned to Lecce, Italy, and he co-founded AR dream, Innovative Start up, operating in the Additive Manufacturing and advanced technologies sector. |
Maria Augusta Fioruzzi Civil Engineer practicing in Intellectual Property Law since 1983, she is CEO and founding partner of De Simone & Partners SpA, and Chief Officer of the Design Department. Italian Patent and Trade Mark Attorney, European Trade Mark and Design Attorney, she is a professional representative before the Italian Patent & Trade Mark Office and before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. She is a Visiting Lecturer and Conference Administrator for a range of topics in Design Protection and preparation for the Professional Representative Exam in Italy (Polytechnic University of Milan, ICE). |
Domenico Demarinis Admitted to the Bar in Italy, he has practiced in Intellectual Property Law since 2005 assisting Italian and foreign companies both in judicial and extrajudicial fields, domestically and internationally. IP consultant for the National Olympic Committee (CONI), the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Continental Association of European Olympic Committees (COE). Adjunct Professor of Fashion Law and Industrial Property at the University of International Studies (UNINT) in Rome. Professor of Industrial Law and Protection of Made in Italy at Learn Italy USA LLC, Master in New Media Events and Communication in New York (USA), and Lecturer in Industrial Law and Olympic Ordination at the CONI Sports School, Course in Higher Management Specialization in Rome. |
Sara Cavagnero Currently serving the Humanitarian Diplomacy Department of the Italian Red Cross, she previously worked as a Legal and Compliance consultant at the International Chamber of Commerce in Rome and carried out research activities on Corporate Social Responsibility and Business and Human Rights as a Teaching Assistant at the International Organizations and Human Rights course at LUISS University. After obtaining the Master Degree in Law, she dealt with economic development cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union in Indonesia, as well as with transnational legal aspects of IP protection, serving as a researcher at the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) in Geneva. |
Rosa Stella De Fazio PhD and doctor europaeus in European Union Law, University of Naples “Federico II” and research assistant of European Union Law at the Department of Legal Studies at the University of Salento. She is also Co-Director and Researcher at the Study Center for the Future of Europe. She worked as Human Rights Expert at the Italian Development Cooperation Agency in Jerusalem, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Ministry of Justice and United Nations Logistic Base. She teached International and European Union Law in University courses in Milan and Mantua and was visiting researcher at Université Libre de Bruxelles and Universitè d’Aix-en-Provence. Author of scientific publications and panelist in several Conferences in Italy and abroad, young member of the Italian Society of International and EU Law, European Society of International Law, she is part of the board of Young Researchers of the French Society of International Law. She is included in the long list of National experts of the Interregional Observatory on Development Cooperation and in the Election roaster of the European Commission. |
Fabio Masini Fabio Masini graduated in Economics and Business Science from the University of Florence in 1992, he was awarded a PhD in History of Economic Thought in 1997. During and after a post-doc degree at the University of Pisa he works as project manager and consultant for major companies and public administrations on projects of local development. From 2005 to 2011 he teaches Political Economy. He currently teaches Theories and History of International Economic Relations, and History of Economic Thought at the University of Roma Tre. He is Vice-President of the European Movement in Italy and Ceo of the International Research Centre on European and Global Governance. |
Diletta De Cicco Diletta De Cicco graduated from the Università del Salento in 2015. Diletta holds an LLM in EU Law from the College of Europe (Bruges) where she wrote her thesis on the adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and its twofold impact on organisations and individuals' fundamental rights. Diletta worked at the EU Commission and is currently a legal consultant in the Brussels Office of Mayer Brown, an international law firm. Her practice focuses on privacy, data protection and cybersecurity. Diletta advises clients regarding a wide range of global data privacy and security issues. She also assists NGOs on a pro-bono basis in complying with EU and national privacy laws and in developing privacy policies and procedures. |
Bernadette Greco Bernadette Greco is an agro-economist. She holds a Master’s degree in Agriculture Sciences, and an MBA in International Economics and Management at SDA Bocconi, Milan. She started her career getting professional expertise in international organizations through a Robert Schuman scholarship at the European Parliament first, a traineeship at the United Nations Development Program- OPS-IFAD in New York. She was then selected within the JPO programme three times: first with the World Bank, then with the FAO and finally with the European Commission; the last one she could finally accept and spent 2 years in Botswana with her one year –old daughter. In the delegation of the European Commission to Botswana she mainly dealt with the following EDF financed projects: Environment and the Okavango fragile system, The HIV spread in the SADC countries, the Micro-projects programme. She had then to make a choice: she multiplied her family members fully devoting to their needs and growth together with her husband settling in Lecce where she won a Public competition in the Province of Lecce as management control auditor . After 10 years, she moved to where her heart still lies dealing with European –financed projects and becoming a EURES adviser. |
Mario Pagano Mario Pagano graduated from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and holds an LLM in EU law from the College of Europe of Bruges, where he wrote his Master’s thesis in EU environmental law and policy on the Italian ‘Xylella case’. After his LLM in Bruges, Mario worked for one year in Brussels at the American law firm ‘Keller & Heckman’, specialized in environmental and food law and in DG Environment of the European Commission. Mario is currently doing a PhD in EU environmental law at the European University Institute of Florence on the issues related to access to justice in environmental matters. |
Federico Bonomi Federico Bonomi was born in 1996 in Pavia, Italy. He attended the classic high-school Ugo Foscolo in his home town. Attracted by European issues, he started an academic path at the faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations, University of Pavia. Since the beginning, he undertook a merit-based career, being selected in the admission exams of College Ghislieri and IUSS, both recognised as Italian academic excellence institutions. He is currently representative of RIASISSU association, composed by the most important excellence schools in Italy. He expresses his passion for European topics through two different research projects and a strong commitment in politics: he is a member of the European Federalist Movement, an important Italian party, and several cultural associations. |