All Oral and Poster presentations will be in English.
Invited Talks will have 35 min (including 5 min for questions).
Oral presentations will have 15 min (including 2 min for questions). The authors should ensure to stay strictly within this time, to avoid delays in the Session schedule.
Invited and Oral presentation must be prepared in MS Power Point with slides set for 16:9 screen projection. To avoid delaying during the Session, no use of personal laptop will be allowed for presentation. Instead, the presenting authors must upload their presentation files in .pptx format on a PC provided by the conference organization. The files must be uploaded well in advance of the Session.
Poster presentations must be designed to have a maximum size of A0-portrait (84.1cm x 118.9cm). They must be hung on the assigned poster hunger (see the Poster code in the Scientific Program that will be e-mailed to registered participants) and stay on show from Monday 20th (by lunch time) until Conference closing on Wednesday 22nd.