Local Government and the Governance of Urban Heritage (IGU Commission on Geography of Governance)
Chairs: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon) & Anna Trono (University of Salento)
This session aims to explore recent changes in the role of local government in the governance of urban cultural heritage. Papers can be focused on local government issues (instititutional models, cooperation models, organizational and financial issues, etc.) in specific local case studies or may offer a comparison of policy cases in municipalities and cities in the same country or in different countries. The session aims also to examine and to discuss past policy approaches in the field of cultural heritage management at sub-national tiers of government. Although the focus is on local and urban government, the analysis should consider, when appropriate, the multi-level urban heritage governance context. The session is supported by the IGU Commission Geography of Governance and is proposed for sub-theme: 1. Heritage governance.