Smart Governance and Urban Heritage (IGU Commission on Geography of Governance)
Chairs: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon) & Anna Trono (University of Salento)
This session aims to explore, discuss and present innovative theoretical and empirical research and ground-breaking approaches in the field of Urban e-Planning and its impact on the governance of Urban heritage. The session aims in particular to explore the impact of the growing number of digital innovations, new methods and new digital tools in the field smart governance of urban heritage. We welcome papers that address the current digital transition (digitization of urban governance and urban planning procedures, datafication of urban heritage activities and services, among other important changes) and its impact on the governance of urban heritage. The session is open to include case studies and comparative studies. The session is supported by the IGU Commission Geography of Governance and is proposed for sub-theme: 5. Heritage and ICT's.